Enhancing Underwriting Speed and Accuracy with Automated Vehicle Inspection

3 min readJul 26, 2023


AI vehicle inspection enables insurers to determine a potential policyholder’s level of risk accurately and quickly, leading to faster underwriting decisions

Traditional vehicle inspection requires a professional to capture images and document a vehicle’s condition. This is labor intensive, often involves travel, and sometimes leads to inaccuracies. With AI powered vehicle inspection, anyone can inspect their vehicle using their own mobile device, and reduce the cost and time spent on manual assessments.

How Does Visual Inspection Technology Work

Automated vehicle inspections can automatically detect damage, maintain vehicle logs, and curate condition reports that detail damage severity and provide a cost estimate of the damage. This is particularly useful in the first-notice-of-loss (FNOL) process, where customers can capture the damage to their car, receive a repair estimate, and file a claim with their insurance carrier immediately. Not only is this process faster but provides complete transparency with a higher degree of customer satisfaction. And dealerships can use 360° scans to provide customers and potential buyers with a comprehensive view of the car’s actual condition, thus making it easier for them to make informed decisions.

Why Remote Vehicle Assessment is a Game Changer

AI based vehicle inspections establish a trusting relationship between insures and vehicle owners alike. Customers can learn more about their vehicles while obtaining a comprehensive analysis of dents, scratches, odometer readings, interior scratches, wheel details, and more. Insurers and service partners can reliably assess a vehicle’s condition and its value with improved accuracy.

Reduce Costs
Automated damage assessment reduces the cost-per-inspection to just a few dollars, while eliminating the need to hire physical surveyors to conduct vehicle inspections.

Improve Efficiency

Digital vehicle inspections operate solely within a software platform that can run on any mobile device. This offers on-ground inspectors a curated workflow to perform inspections with speed and accuracy.

Reduce Fraud

An estimated 10–15% of fraud is reported to happen with manual checks. AI inspection reports are consistent and reliable compared to human inspectors, who are subjective.

Improve Customer Experience

Digital vehicle inspection addresses and removes the common pain points of long wait times, scheduling changes, and unreliable reports, by streamlining the entire inspection process.

Roadzen’s VIA Simplifies Vehicle Inspections

VIA is an AI-powered auto insurance underwriting tool. Its accurate damage recognition and underwriting capabilities are based on millions of underwriting decisions. VIA app allows the customers and on-ground inspectors to create a case on the go, start the inspection, capture video and images, and assess vehicle damage in no time.

VIA’s embedded computer vision assesses the value of a vehicle in record time. With dynamic reports, fraud prevention, and real-time notifications, VIA facilitates fair and informed underwriting.

Mobile, Fast and Secure Assessments

With offerings for both white label and private label mobile apps to conduct vehicle inspections, VIA enables insurers to customize apps depending on business requirements.

Transparent and Accurate Detection

VIA automatically analyzes patterns and user behaviors to predict frauds and ensure an accurate verdict. With its customizable access control, insurers can underwrite with full transparency.

Hassle-Free Deployment

With dynamic report generation for both vehicle pre-inspection and valuation, VIA can seamlessly adapt to different insurance business workflows using open Rest and SOAP APIs.

For more information about VIA, write to us at info@roadzen.io or visit us at roadzen.io

